

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 广州市 白云区 均禾街道 广州市白云区均禾街道新石路147号A4栋305房
  • 姓名: 孙
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定

    Amazon FBA shipping to USA freight forwarder

  • 所属行业:物流 货运代理
  • 发布日期:2021-04-11
  • 阅读量:194
  • 价格:900.00 元/立方 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:10000.00 立方
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:广东广州白云区均禾街道  
  • 关键词:Amazon,FBA,freight,forwarder

    Amazon FBA shipping to USA freight forwarder详细内容

    Our company takes advantage of our own network and logistics advantages to help those merchants who need FBA to open a store on Amazon to transport goods from China to various Amazon warehouses, so as to provide customers with one-stop international logistics service!

    FBA shipping operation process:
    1. The customer shall make the delivery plan in the background of Amazon and confirm the warehouse number of the delivery
    2. FBA label and shipping mark shall be affixed to each carton of goods
    3. Deliver the goods to our warehouse (or make an appointment to pick up the goods), with packing list, commercial  and customs declaration (no customs declaration, customs declaration can be paid).
    4. Loading, declaration for export and shipment
    5. Complete customs clearance upon arrival
    6. Drag cabinets to our overseas warehouse to open cabinets and distribute goods
    7. Make pallet as required by Amazon, and deliver the pallet after completion to the truck company
    8. The truck company will book and deliver to Amazon (no reservation is required for air express).
    9. Return POD after delivery

    Air transport head selection:
    1 time to catch the general can consider a direct flight, but the freight is expensive.
    2. If there is no special requirement for the time limit and you want to reduce the freight, you will generally choose the FBA special line in the United States.
    Select the right company according to the condition of the goods and the required time limit. If the goods are with batteries, the company in Hong Kong is usually chosen. If the goods are magnetic, they can be transported in the magnetic inspection report at the airport.)
    欢迎来到广州新集运国际货运有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省广州市白云区广州市白云区均禾街道新石路147号A4栋305房,联系人是孙。 主要经营提供新西兰,加拿大,澳洲,新加坡,马来西亚海运双清门到门一条龙服务,广州海运家具去新西兰,加拿大,澳洲,中国海运家具去新西兰,加拿大,澳洲,新加坡,马来西亚我们公司能包全部费用送货上门。如果客户需要申请免税也可以协助您办理为您解决一切**搬家问题。个人物品杂物海运去新西兰,加拿大,澳洲,新加,如何打包,海运操作流程*国内国外手续家具托运。国内也有免费仓库给您集货,就是在网上买东西也不怕没地方放了。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 250 - 500 万元。 我门公司主要的服务有:新西兰货运,澳大利亚货运,加拿大货运,为您提供诚信、安全、高效的优质物流服务!更大程度降低您的物流成本。欢迎您致电咨询!